The Ancient Time Period

“In the beginning God created…”

The first thing we learn about God is that He is a creator and really, the only true creator.  He created everything out of nothing. From creation through the fall of Rome, our study of the Ancient time period is filled with the beginnings and foundations that were designed by God.  These foundations include not only history, but also, the arts of music, visual art and drama. Our studies focus on God’s vision for the use of the arts and His providence and sovereignty as demonstrated through scripture and through history. During this time period we will study the history, art, music and drama of the following cultures: Early civilizations, Egypt, Greece, Rome and others.

Medieval and Renaissance Time Period

-400 A.D. – 1600

This fascinating time period of knights, castles, kings and queens contains many wonderful examples of God’s sovereignty over the affairs of men. As the birth of liberty begins with the signing of the Magna Charta, the Fine Arts of music, visual art and drama, follow suit in their freedom of creative expression. The opposite is also demonstrated when men allow themselves to be controlled by ungodly influences. This time period contains amazing works of art including the works of Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci; the birth of notated music and the spread of the gospel to the illiterate through the use of Scripture based plays. Don’t forget Shakespeare’s influence on literature and theater and the exciting story of Martin Luther and the 95 thesis.

Early Modern Time Period


Explorers, Settlers, Expansion, Native Peoples. These topics and many more are contained in this year’s historical study. All the events going on around the world influence the art, music and drama of this time period as well. The concept of new beginnings, demonstrated in the founding of America, are also simultaneously pictured in  new arts related styles of the Baroque and Classical periods. The idea of history influencing the arts and the arts influencing history are vividly demonstrated during this year’s study of history and the arts.

The Modern Time Period


Wars and rumors of wars fill the modern time period and with each war and revolution, the artistic styles of the day picture, reinforce and demonstrate the current reigning worldview. From the Romantic period of artistic expression to today’s post-modern artistic expression, we experience the influence of culture on artistic expression. This time period shows us the importance of individual responsibility in every area of life and culture.